Everquest Online Adventures for PS2.
Everquest Online Adventures for PS2.
My Xbox 360 achievements beg to differ.
I thought Iron Man was fun. I'll probably look into Hulk when it's used, though, as he was never a favorite of mine.
This made my month. Well, this and watching Iron Man.
I'm still eagerly awaiting Dancing Baby Kittenz Doctor 4. I hear you can have a brown kitten now, instead of choosing between black or white.
I absolutely do not feel sorry for him. He talks way too much crap, this is just karma.
If Wild Tangent games are the future of gaming, I think I'll just quit gaming all together.
@flashtut: These are the same incredible censors that also accidentally censor words like "grape". ;) There are many reasons why it's not utilized more often, that only being one of them.
@Presidentpez: See: Terms of Service.
@laughingmangits: Because the fastest way for them to get caught is by people reporting the username, and if people don't do that, then it takes forever to weed the names out. It's not rocket science, and many other people have mentioned it here.
@Sailorcancer: ...which is why it's always a good thing to read the TOS before you pay for it. It's not there for you to shrug it off, if it says DON'T DO IT, you better believe you shouldn't do it.
This really shouldn't have to be newsworthy. I'm siding with Microsoft on this one, as any name with a touchy subject like that is against the TOS, regardless of context. Maybe in a few decades the whole gay taboo will blow over in society, but right now it's crap like this that doesn't help.
Lol Rupture. I installed that on my desktop and it did nothing but crash anytime I loaded it.
To hell with everyone else, I thought it was great.
I probably laughed harder at that image than I should have.
Cute marketing tactic. I already signed a few weeks ago, so here's hoping we get the inevitable 1 million signatures soon. I don't really like Stride, though, but then again it's free.
It seems like there's only one half of the story here, or at least it's twisted into the favor of one side.
I don't understand what the significance of this partnership is. Is there money going to charity somehow? Or are we the charity, and McDonalds is chipping in so we can get tracks cheaper?
I got my first 360 for Christmas, and I am cringing the inevitable destiny that my system most likely has.
I'll agree that most people probably BOUGHT (or "bought") GTA IV, but the fact that a movie game is holding it's own on a list of top rentals (in the Top 3, no less) against a highly anticipated game is still remarkable none the less.