Serious question: Does this bill have any purpose other than making room for massive tax cuts?
Serious question: Does this bill have any purpose other than making room for massive tax cuts?
It doesn’t even matter if he does have a pre-existing condition, there’s an exemption in the bill that says Congress, their families, and their staffs will still retain coverage even if their states decide to drop people with pre-existing anything. They KNOW how fucked this is, and made sure their own asses were…
That’s more a feature than a flaw to these lawmakers!
Quite literally. May God have mercy on their souls.
John McCain always gets hysterical when he’s blabbering on about torture and POWs. Real Men kill their foes without getting captured.
“Blessed are those who don’t give a shit about the poor: they are are the truly rational ubermensch who will lead us into our dystopian hellscape.”
Supply-Side Jesus is their king.
Caring about other people is enough to get you labeled hysterical these days? Sign me up.
No one pisses off Republicans like Sheila Jackson Lee. They can’t stand her for some reason, I wonder why?
Fuck this. I just... fuck it all. The only reason I can get fucking get halfway decent affordable healthcare was through Obamacare. Fuck these goddamn people.
Report: Jay Cutler’s New Job May Involve Apathetically Watching Football Games
The great irony in all this is that the content of ESPN’s online NBA coverage is way way way better than that of the Vertical. It seems crazy to me that they’re lowering the quality of all of their content, for, essentially, Woj’s twitter account. Is breaking news 5 minutes after Woj really that valuable?
“ESPNers have been told that Wojnarowski will be a reporter, not an editor, and that ESPN has learned from the mistakes it made in granting power to Bill Simmons”
Naturally this is their lesson learned, given that the only thing ESPN ever did right with Bill Simmons was to make him an editor and allow him to hire and…
Probably not good career development for reporters, especially in the Strauss/Verrier age bracket, to be left twisting unable to generate content for however long their contracts run.
Amin Elhassan used to joke about Woj shushing him in a media room once and hasn’t tweeted in a week. Was he sent to a reeducation camp?
the pragmatic move was always to join ESPN. But as it turns out, he’s able to eat his cake and have it too.
I’m still pissed about Mark Stein being let go.
No. It wasn’t a simple reach or slap. He was holding his wrist and it allowed him to steal the ball. That needs to be called even if it’s game 7 in the final minutes. I’m fine with a little contact being let go here and there, but if you grab the ball handler’s wrist, it has to be called 100% of the time.