I try to keep my NY resolutions simple: sleep more, drink more, and goof off more. It is a constant struggle to keep such challenging resolutions, but I am committed!
I try to keep my NY resolutions simple: sleep more, drink more, and goof off more. It is a constant struggle to keep such challenging resolutions, but I am committed!
Can’t agree more, Possum. I’ve had good luck with Avenue in terms of finding at least a few shirts that have definition and some cute sweaters. I am a classic pear - smaller up top, wide hips. I’ve practically bought every shirt Avenue makes that comes with pintucking to make the shirt more fitted in the shoulders and…
I make it a point to avoid thanksgiving with large groups....For many years I alternated between fasting on Thanksgiving in protest or having a really good steak (lol). The past few years though I get together with another single friend and we go out to a hotel that’s doing a buffet dinner, eat and get completely…
Having spent time in Japan, I am aware of the tatamae/honne dichotomy. It probably goes too far, by western standards, in terms of telling people what they want to hear. But recognizing that there is a public self and a private self is very useful . Since a traumatic family death a few years ago, I am definitely two…
Exactly. I require meat to be on the bottom of the sandwich, and on the right hand side of the plate if not encased in bread. But I can do this all by myself!
I have one of the G51 JX's too...has been running games and massive photo applications for five years with nary a problem. Maxed the RAM and added a TB drive to the original 500 GB. Keeping it on a cooling base from day one helped greatly with the heat issue. But it's gotten to the too slow/too old point and not even…
An interesting article, thank you. In my late teens and 20s I thought relationships meant that one "had" to have sex. Not saying I didn't enjoy it, but after age 30 I realized that while my libido is good I'm very rarely attracted to other people, and even when I am I don't actually want to sleep with anyone. I'm now…
This kid is my ideal child - curious, fearless, and inventive. And her mom is awesome too!
Kindness toward anyone who is doing a tough job is called being a decent human being. I've never understood why this is a hard concept for some people. If you have a problem, explain it clearly and very politely. If you don't, smile and say a heartfelt thank you, and tip well!
You WIN the Internet today.
What's always amazing to me is that "being a decent human being" has to be legislated.
I really don't get why everyone is clutching their pearls in horror. It's a bathroom! It doesn't have a magical force field door! Some of the places I've hung out, I was used to seeing both trans women and clearly male cross-dressers in the women's bathroom. Why should I care? We were all there for the same reason —…
It might bear mentioning that many operas, written as they were by Europeans in previous centuries, were set in what were considered to be "fantastical" or "exotic" settings. There was no concern for authenticity at the time, and all the roles were filled by Italians, Germans, etc.
I don't understand the "bring your own food" - what then is the point? I have severe food allergies. As in, the list of what I can eat is much shorter than the list of what I can't. But I like eating out with friends, meaning that I not only want to hang out with them, I also want someone else to do the cooking. The…
Lemon cake is fab - I like chocolate but I get tired of all sweets being choc/van related. Particularly lately I'm annoyed there is so little in the way of citrus flavors for ice cream in my local stores - I guess I will have to make some lime gelato myself.
Same. Anytime a guy on a first date starts in with "you have such beautiful hair...." Bleh! Big turnoff. However, I did some temp work for a company that makes wigs for cancer patients - their enthusiasm for my reddish-gold color was quite funny...
I've run into the "married but" a couple times dating, but I'm cautious by nature so always found out before I was too into it (and of course immediately ended it, I absolutely loathe married people who cheat). But I had an even stranger experience with a guy I met a few years ago, at a social club's monthly dance,…
I had to log in just to tell you how witty you are ;)
I am so sorry for you. My mother died two years ago, and a few weeks ago an older woman friend of mine who treated me like one of her daughters also died.
I'm not going near that place...I'm allergic to cats. Anyway, my ancestors are waiting for me in Valhalla!