I LOVE a good Biker Mice From Mars reference!
I LOVE a good Biker Mice From Mars reference!
It's not unfeminist to have a kid and it's not unfeminist to have your priorities change. It's unfeminist to order women to live one way or another, but you are only making decisions about your own life, so you're good! And eee baby.
There will be more studies like this about high-powered/promising women, one of which I'm part of, and they'll implicate husbands and the usual suspects in business, though perhaps more forcibly than before.
My husband tried to pull this shit on me after talking a long bullshit 50/50 child/home-work line, and for the…
Ooh. I'm jealous! The only toys I've been buying recently are My Little Ponies *cough* What Sailor Moon figures are they?
If only dismiss was used with such extreme prejudice several months back, regular posters wouldn't be punished to the land on grey.
It's pretty telling of how they value free speech vs. guns.
Jesus, when did gamers turn into such fucking creeps?
Also, fuck those people who say abortion is all about convenience. I had an undetected pregnancy (a rare false-positive pregnancy test and I was still breastfeeding my toddler and hadn't had a period since before he was born) and then an abortion at 20 weeks, 6 days. It was agonizing. The procedure was a three day…
I didn't have the option of putting up a baby for adoption. I was leaving my husband (domestic violence case). To put it up for adoption, I would have had to have notified him and gotten his permission. He never, ever would have given it. I worked full-time at a job with no paid maternity leave. I had a two-year-old…
Going up, my parents were were divorced and never communicated directly. I got bounced back and forth between them a lot. Always based on what my mom needed. Fuck my social life or grades or stability. If being a parent started to get too hard, she'd ship me off to live with my grandmother or father. She'd get lonely,…
is it too early to start a drinking game for the "why not adopt" comments? I do have a mug of coffee handy....
Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled into thinking that she believes that the removal of embryos is as bad as killing a human being. What she really means is that the killing of Jews is as serious as killing a 5-week embryo. TRUST me. That's how much she cares about the killing of Jews, Roma and gay people. Very little.
The problem is that's taken out of context. Onan was ordered by faith and doctrine to father a child with his brother's widow so that the family line wouldn't be broken. Instead, he decided that, nope, don't want a kid in the house and so he didn't come inside of her.
I straight up punched a fundamentalist pastor bastard in the face on the FSU campus one time about 18 years ago - nope I was not a student - just went there that day to see someone (as I was a local) and this red jacketed shit head br0ther jed was going off on his schpiel and I just walked up confronted started…