
So Pro-lifers, I got something to say, why do you care so much about something that hasn't been born yet, but when a child is born (especially if they're born in a disadvantaged circumstance), you couldn't give a single shit. So much for being "pro-life" by killing doctors, harassing/stalking patients and bombing

16!!!! That was the other magazine besides Bop, Big Bopper, and Tiger Beat!

HAHAHA. Omg. Hold on a second, I need to recollect myself.

You clearly do not know how plan-b works. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, plan-b prevents pregnancy. It prevents the sperm from reaching the egg, and if it does fertilize, then it prevents the egg from implanting. It doesn't end a


Somebody plays Guild Wars 2, I see. I approve.

You know what, I have a question, Dr. Nerdlove. So many of these questions that you address boil down basically to "I treat women like objects, but they don't react like objects. Why?" That is to say, so many of your answers end up needing to include baseline information like "He's not your competition because this

No, that's what our snu-snu slaves are for.

It's exactly what she needs. If she's bi-polar as the media says, stability in her life is essential. The ability to take medication on a regular basis and not have upsets in your day or week or month that throw you off of that is very important. She's able to make a lot of money for her family while not taking huge

You are disgusting. All this was taken without my consent and some of your facts are even incorrect. You TOOK this without any permission and you even include my selling details!!! Have you no concern for the safety and privacy of the people you post about? Of course you don't; you're a fucking blood sucking parasite

A Pokemon article not about TPP, praise helix.

Yes- lots of women will do everything right in their pregnancy and still miscarry because inviable genetic errors are so common. This is insane.

I am conflicted by feeling genuinely sorry for this woman while wanting to slap her.

THIS exactly. I have NEVER been able to understand how these people could consider themselves Christian while cutting aid to the needy and cheering "Let him die!" for a man who has no health insurance.... Republican Jesus bears no resemblance to my Jesus

This is so fucking disgusting, I cannot even deal with it anymore.

Excuse me? How about women decide what they want in a man and if men don't want to end up alone and miserable they have to learn to meet a womans standards? Feminity is not about embracing how a man wants you to be, it's sad that you don't even realize how backwards your thinking is. Also a woman's happiness is not