
His sample size of one doesn’t hold up well against the evidence.

Not only are they not alone, statistically speaking younger women like horror movies even more - composing up to 60% of the horror movie audience in the younger demographic.

“I’m a strong, tough, rugged, urban man who can stomach the gritty violence and strong themes of films like The Revenant, because I walk the mean streets of the naked city every day. I’m an apex predator and the metropolis is my pre...OH COME ON YOU GUYS, STOP BEING SO MEEEAAAAAN! It really hurts my feelings.”

those bolds are all his. I wouldn’t presume to bold a man’s words with my Jane Popcorn keyboard, etc

“O ye fucking fang-toothed predators” lololol, it’s like the ultimate emo teen LiveJournal entry

Between my boyfriend and I, he is not the tougher one when it comes to movies. I wasn’t sure if he was going to make it through the first Hunger Games movie. He was hiding his face and asking “Why is President Snow so mean???” It was cute.

My dad and stepdad are both significantly less comfortable with violence and scares in entertainment than my mom is. Put our two bits of anecdata together and I think we outnumber this critic’s examples, proving (yet again) that men are the wussy sex.

He is, and a tough, seasoned one at that! He works in an office and everything. Sometimes he even wears suits to meetings, just like a woman might do.

is he a career man??

Using adjectives is an indication that you can’t handle a movie! Only if you are a woman though.

I HAD A CHILD CUT OUT OF MY STOMACH. Fucking tell me about blood and brutality motherfucker.

I have a male friend who has absolutely no tolerance for anything even slightly scary. By even slightly, I mean that the most recent Superman movie was too much for him.

It’s a fascist dictatorship out there, and if you don’t step very carefully you’ll be stabbed and clubbed and the dogs will lick your blood.

This dude could keep this coffee cup full.

If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should

And what if you’d heard a fellow female journalist, sitting two seats away, call it “brutal“?

I love when people whine about “PC.”

Change the relationship between Ash and Pikachu if it was female?
What, was he going to fuck it?

If you’re worried about her going nuts saying Pikachu all the time, don’t. She has plenty of other roles, including Mitch from Case Closed.