
Add multi-touch and i'm sold.

@Kyouryuu: I feel like something must be wrong with me. I've had more problems with Concrete Man and Splash Woman's stages than anything else.

I've never beaten the final form of Sigma in MMX... :(

My friend's sister just did a big public presentation dealing with VW and specifically Second Life. I don't understand how something as lowest common denominator as SL got adopted by the media as some sort of next great thing. It's user base is below average in size and quality and from what I've read the content

My best purchase was the GC Ikaruga for $5 at a Gamestop. I've logged damn near 12 hours playing that shooter... beaten it 3 times on normal and once on easy if that tells you something about my wins/losses. :( I still pick it up every so often to get my ass kicked.

Free games get!

This game would have been so much better if Relic had thrown it together. It wouldn't have to be a clone of DoW, just a better playing game than it is.

Something about the physics and the way the sackboy hits the corners of ledges but somehow still makes it bugs me.

Girlfriend is back home after a long conference soooo.... probably won't get to play any GTAIV this weekend like I wanted to. Probably just going to fill in any boring gaps I might have with Valhalla Knights grinding and a half hour or so of Mega Man 9 before bed.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred in Soviet Russia, Jack disbars you!

I've never seen Terry Bogard look that amazing... EVER. That takes some damned talent to take such a cheesy ol' character design and make it totally bad-ass.

@B-ryon: I was pretty sure the GC versions of both included progressive scan, if you never had the component cables for the GC but you do for the Wii? Pop em in and it should play in progressive just fine.

That's for anyone who remembers that PVP letter that's gone missing.

Jack Thompson is so disbarred, he had to return his honorary Justice League membership.

ERRGH! That was my wallet hemorrhaging money. The "exclusive" pokemon in this game are kind of gimmicky. Why get a sweet new game with new forms of pokemon that you can't really use (aesthetically anyway) in the copy you've already invested a good deal of time in.

Luke, my friends used to swap disks at school all the time, though your wording there sounds a little awkward. "3.5 inch floppies?" Not if what's on the disks is what I think it is.

@J Thompson: Good job plugging your book too.

He was given 30 days to take care of his clients... Way to go Jack. You look like an idiot.

Err.. the guy walked all over court procedures. He was a total ass in court (according to transcripts). He faxed people porn as "evidence." He lied, harassed and disrupted the lives of ordinary people and professionals. He used his family for leverage and tried to hamhandedly manipulate proceedings. He probably never

@Belabras: In someone's Trapper-keeper.