
In a perfect world everyone would know/be one with/not care about/understand fully/embrace/deny completely/worship/hate any god (or lack of god) of their choosing without the misinformed, hateful (or misguided love-ful), or even super-zealous spouting what they think are witty remarks, pro or con.


@Human Bomb: I Don't see the point of importing the DS version when there is already a fine PSP port AND NIS saw fit to have it reprinted on the PS2. Having wasted enough time on those two versions, the DS one will stay on the shelf for me. That said, I'll be getting Rhapsody on the DS and Yggdra Union on the PSP,


This is what I get for not reading my RSS feed.... I miss the best damn news ever! By the end of this year I will be complete.

I still think this game even existing is awesome. Honestly though, why make an 8-bit game for two companies that never had an 8-bit console? 8-bit Mega Man is synonymous with breaking plastic rectangles in half due to murder-hard timed jumps. This is like complaining that Super Mario Brothers 2 (JP version) didn't get

The Parasite Eve games had the Generic Rusty Gate Noise that I've noticed over and over and over again in movies. I mean, they can't ALL sound the same. Also, I remember playing to the end and taking the disc out and switching it or trying to play it as an audio CD after the credits, and it played EVERY sound effect

Thinking VERY carefully I have decided that the FF6 hero should be Setzer and the FF3 character should be an Onion Knight.

WAIT! The superhero that could save this whole thing from sucking!

@IanC: Captain Marvel would have to be mystical superhero... SHAZAM! Or maybe the mystical superhero is going to be Zatana, or Alan Scott (golden age Green Lantern), or Dr. Fate, or Dream of the ENDLESS (never going to happen), or Etrigan, or...

@Willy105: It's the plethora of quality titles for the PS3 that make them run out of cases...

@e_tank: WOW! that looks like someone playing Ikaruga said the game should be harder.

@Jamez: If you felt the need to play longer stretches on the DS you should have asked. You could have tried the Two Awesome Castlevanias, the Etrian games, Front Mission, New Super Mario Brothers, FFIII, Advance Wars, Any of those SRPGS or Roguelike Dungeon Crawlers, Warhammer, the Harvey Birdma... I mean Phoenix

Oh So NOW it's a game system! I wondered what those things with the buttons were for.

Wait and See

Looks like they just used the fighter creators from SC or MK...

Did I miss something? Didn't someone post this trailer yesterday in the comments section of the Dissidia screens post? I Love seeing the AMANO inspired looks of the FF and FFII Protagonists. They are just amazing.

@nick.soapdish: "He has NEw enEMies with FUNKY atACKS!" lol

11 clams is way too awesome for two of the better PS1 titles. I remember loving Einhander untill it broke on 'accident,' and Xenogears STILL gets regular rotation into my yearly gaming.