
@tallguy: If the iTunes version has only 19 tracks, I would assume it's the same. According to google translator, I gather that this version is being released in Japan to match the iTunes version...

@Human Bomb: *you're (damned no edit button)

I had no idead this game was hard to find. My friend bought it, told me to get it. I bought it, got my friend to get a copy... It was on shelf in all the stores here. @beeporama (brian.j.parker): It looks like the one this story links to is either a chopped down version with only 19 tracks (not too good at

@enewtabie: Thank god we still have the bastion of objectivity that is Nintendo Power or else I'd never know what to think of a game...

@Struct09: Didn't C|Net just get bought out by CBS or some major network?

I miss Tech TV...

Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.

Does this statue require multiple installs?

pffttt Colbert is SUPER AWESOME no matter part of the political spectrum you fall onto. I know super conservatives who love his show and yes, they get the joke. He and his writers understand satire, and how it should be used as a powerful beam of light to point out the flaws in society.

iunno.. this kind of reminds me of chrono trigger with the young kid team ups. )o_o( -gimme! I hope this is a "simplified" mmo like RO. also, i'd almost want to see this as an oldschool RPG on the DS.

@Hubert Humphrey Methadone: I lol'd a little. I haven't seen that show in ages... God I haven't watched Dr. Who or Red Dwarf in forever also!

Pure Awesome.


Sooo, worth importing?

@bubble-bee: Google translator or your English teacher failed you my friend...

5hi7! stupid work internets made me double post again today!

Thanks for the ten seconds of low framecount poor artwork gameplay. Looks like a flash /pun game.

Wow.. note the whole 10 seconds of gameplay shown... It looks like a choppy low framecount flash (pun) game.