Make that child abductor, victim of domestic abuse, and child abuser. She can be all 3. Her biggest mistake was expecting the father to not care enough to pursue his child anywhere in the world.
Make that child abductor, victim of domestic abuse, and child abuser. She can be all 3. Her biggest mistake was expecting the father to not care enough to pursue his child anywhere in the world.
It is a horrifying reaction to an equally horrifying abuse. Even with Nan Hui Jo hurting the child and father by throwing the child at the father and causing their heads to collide does not justify the fathers response. Both parents were in the wrong and need help.
Correct. This article leaves out lots of details that don’t look so good for Nan Hui Jo and would not have built sympathy for her, such as the reporting of the incident when after mother threw the child at father and father and child’s head collided was the time that he grabbed mother. This ignores the mother on child…