
So your essentially saying people who are fans and whom want to show their adoration for an artist= cult member?

I think it'll be a few extra songs, and the mrs carter world tour and on the run tour DVDs.

Beyonce equals click bait and money for these blogs. They have so many artists on here but everyone writing about this mentions beyonce.

Season 2 of Scandal was flawless.

First of all Viola Davis deserves a better show. But I think everyone knows that, including her and everyone else involved with the show.



WB takes a loss again.

So i will be enjoying this movie then.

I'm sorry. But also this idea that DC comics is the "more serious, epic in scale" of the two, only has worked for there comics and the Batman films. Man of Steel was terrrible comic book movie. The entire thing reeks of pretentiousness and everything being so literal and dull. There was no wit, the story itself wasn't

this a million times!!! Thank you!

But that's what's wrong though. They've been quoted saying they are sticking to this sort of formula for their comic book movies because that tones been well established by Nolan. My thing is DC heroes more so than marvel are more in the realm of the fantastical, virtually all their heroes and villains are camp and

But more than that. Marvel studios films have a self-awareness to them that audiences enjoy. Marvel also knows that they are comic book movies that should just be pure family entertainment. Funny enough, Christopher Nolan was quoted saying he misses the Spielberg like films of the eighties that have kids a wild

Zack synder comments are always so elementary. It's as if he doesn't know how to articulate his thoughts. I thought it was just his interviews on camera because maybe he gets nervous. But even his printed interviews read the same way.

yes, for the uninitiated.

She lived a long successful life!

They are all sooooooo FINEEEEEEE!


thanks, I'm trying. lol

black musicians have been fighting this struggle for so long, that its no longer important, its the way our white supremacist patriarchal dominated society works. Jack White, get over it and just make music. its a losing battle.