Solar Dragon

Hank Azaria voices the most characters on the show, with well over 500.

revealing private information of a minor

Wow, FIFA players are assholes. Do they not see the problem here? EA basicaly sent FIFA players to his Twitter to bother him without his knowing. How hard is it to check if a Twitter name actually exists?

And Sony are increasing the price of PS+, paid patches for the PS Pro, and no mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. I’d say the PlayStation is in more shit than the Xbox right now.

The game likely wouldn’t have gotten half the sales it did if they didn’t lie through their teeth about what was going into the game. So yeah, they deserve people getting refunds. They wouldn’t have gotten that money anyway if they had just told the truth from the beginning.

As someone who lives in the middle of nowhere with very few PokeStops in the area, this feature isn’t helpful at all and is just another nail in the coffin for Pokemon Go for me.

I feel the complete opposite of you. Pre-orders often arrive early. People would want to play them early as a result. And now they’re being punished for playing the game early. It’s just a massive dick move by them.

I’m fine with Day 1 patches to fix some bugs that come along, but if you ship out the game completely incomplete and then make a huge Day 1 patch like No Man’s Sky, that’s just bullshit. They claimed ages ago that the game was complete. And then they are telling people not to play the game early because that’s not the

1) They weren’t on his property. They were on the street, parked, outside. 2) If some asshole with a gun points it at you, you try and get away, or try to take the guy out. Simple as that! I’d attempt to run someone pointing a gun at me down if it was me in the car! The man was fearing for his life? No, the man is a

Well, if someone was threatening me with a gun, I’d try and run him over too! They were in the right, the man with the gun is the criminal here.

Man runs at you with a gun. You’re unarmed, teenagers, you’re scared. You panic when you see the guy with the gun and drive off as fast as you can. Man with the gun starts shooting at unarmed, scared teenagers.

If it’s space on the servers they’re worried about, just go through deleting all the tutorial levels or examples that are basically the same with the exception of one or two new things added in before they start deleting the levels that people have put hard work into making.

Yes, 6 months is a long time for localization... But at least the US has the game, unlike us in the UK. Why the hell won’t Nintendo even issue a statement about it?! Give us a release date dammit!

If Nintendo are going to start deleting stages, can they please start with the tutorial stages and sample stages people upload? And those that are just get star, run through loads of enemies, get to end?

The warp when aiming glitch took me by surprise. I was lining up a sneak attack headshot on Father. Went to aim, he was suddenly gone. Came out of aiming, I was in front of him. I was so confused and thought I was going crazy, especially as I couldn’y find anyone having any similar glitches online.

He’s said he’s going to try and see if it’s possible, using a mixture of Intimidation perk, Syringer and sneak perks. I think one of the suggestions on how to deal with Kelogg was to weaken him enough and berserk him with the syringer to aggro the synths into attacking him. It may be possible, just very difficult.