
Carmy didn’t deserve Claire. 

“Bewhiskered?" No. "Becrysknifed."

If I ran a giant corporation I would totally gouge my customers if I knew everyone would blame the president instead of the corporations for inflation.

Has anyone ever come out the other side of the MMA world with a fully functioning brain? Every time some MMA person makes the news for non-MMA reason, it seems like it’s always for something that makes them look really fucking stupid.

Only for people with brains.

I was just thinking about Yahoo yesterday.

because they drove there obviously.

The Grammys, it’s said, never honors its dead

By the terms of his standard contract he is required to “rock well” at lease once per film.

And though becoming the first person to win AOTY four times is a unique achievement, it’s also entirely not unique because she’s done it three times before.

“No matter what she does, she’s destined to face intense scrutiny just for being the biggest star in the world. “

“If you’re asking “Dean Who?”, please allow me to introduce myself,”

Howto report this dangerous idiot to YouTube

Wannabe Road Crayons make all motorcyclists look bad. This guy sucks.

what are the odds that this wasn’t theft?

I hate this dismissal- ugh, it’s blaaaaaand, it looks like all the other ones... Of course it looks like all the other crossovers. It’s a mass market budget car. Do you complain that all the clothes at H&M or Old Navy look like all the other clothes out there? Do you complain that all the appliances you can buy tend

Love my TDI. Next car will likely be a TourX with a bumper swap and plastic removed

the book of Eli getting any sort of continuation was not on my bingo sheet. Really loved that movie so curious to see how ot is.