
There TF Werewolf. There TF Castle.

To be fair, you as a Jalopnik commenter might not be the typical car buyer.

Looking at creating a cultured pork.  We plan to sell it under the label Cultured Swine.

Killing bacteria in proteins is never just about temperature alone but is rather about time and temperature. That’s where sous vide shines. You can cook to a lower temperature for a longer time and achieve the same level of bacteria killing as does another method where you cook to a much higher temperature but where

Rebecca Ferguson is the best bet to take over, and she is still around and seemingly growing in importance in the story. Plus, she’s amazing in these.

My oncologist just left UCLA to work for City of Hope on this very project - here’s hoping she hooks a brother up!

Now playing

Because too many of you thought Airplane! and not enough thought Foo Fighters:

Is it coincidence that soon after Musk announced that crypto bruhs were the third leg of his Twitter purchase triad that crypto suddenly went to shit?

Hopefully, masking while sick and during outbreaks is now normalized enough in the U.S. that we may be able to avoid the devastating flu seasons we once accepted as routine.

Meanwhile my Beanie Babies collection (including Luna up there) is holding strong.

The majority of people do not, under any circumstances, by any stretch of the imagination buy individual stocks. Most people by index funds or mutual funds that invest in a basket of stocks. Anyone who did this is down about 10% and is still earning dividends which can be reinvested (something that a crypto investor

Hi! I studied Nahuatl linguistics, so I can provide a little color here! Xochitl means “flower” in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.

I think that was the nature of their production schedules, especially Agents as it was shot on a weekly production schedule. The film was in the can for a year or more before it came out, so the TV show could easily set up or tie in with the events of the movie, but the same thing meant that the film could not really

I am pretty left leaning, but I still am excited about this movie. You don’t have to be pro-war to want to see an action movie about cool planes, doing cool things, and blowing stuff up. It also gives me the major nostalgia feels from childhood.

Tom Cruise is going to wear so many pouches in this movie.

Let’s just hope he watches movies better than he draws feet!

In a better universe/timeline Craigy Ferg would come back to host.

Craig Ferguson was the best host of any later late night show and pretty much nobody could do the kind of thing he did.

Still doens’t explain why ObiWan uses “Darth” like a first name...

Ever seen Fringe, which he co-created? I think it’s even better than The X-Files.