
Recall how snippy he got at Ned Ryerson. 

Jerry West was so upset with how he was portrayed on the show that he snapped his golf clubs and threw his MVP trophy across the room

If we are talking FCA offerings I would argue the Chrysler 300 needs a hellcat version.  They have Hellcatted everything else in the FCA non Fiat lineup so why not the 300.  I can’t claim this as someone else made the comment in an article about the 300 many moons ago, but call it the Chrysler 300 Heisenberg Edition.

Mazda 3 Turbo. 250HP/310lbft with AWD. 

Surprised no one has mentioned the Crosstrek yet. Subaru has to know they would print money with a turbocharged version. 

I think you misspelled “best”.

DC 2014: “Hey Grant, we want you to play the Flash for... 5 years.”

That trial of the gods scene was so damn stupid and ultimately unnecessary that I still keep cracking up about it.

The Vast of Night was such a delightful little movie and Sierra McCormick was a big part of that - I’m down to see what she does next.


There is no temperature for which Heidi Gardner’s shirt makes any sense.  Is it a . . . long-sleeved, collared crop-top?

During our week away from Kinja we talked about coming back and doing all of the stuff that we missed most about Jalopnik of old. So these chats are back, as are Traffic Jams. There are things that we can’t control, so we want to make what we can the best we can make them.

This week has been a whirlwind for me! Closed on a house, bought a project car, bought a motorcycle. 

Well, that was pretty much what I assumed. I wish that reupping posts would create new comments sections. 

I was disappointed at how little he was in Dune. Though this was true of a lot of the actors who weren’t Chalamet, Ferguson, or Momoa. 

I think you misspelled Sgt Apone.

First third? What? They all die about 80% of the way into the movie. Even Burke makes it as long as most of them.

What, no mention of the awesome ST:IV throwback? :-D

Not sure if you're trolling, or work at GM.

Oh, like you guys are experts on what sort of accents they have on the moon.