
White old men carry Trump, white old men carry the nationalists in my own country, white old men carry Brexit. All of these don’t have majorities among women, among young people or among people of colour.

I really struggle to even process this story. It’s been going on for years, but every time it pops up it just leaves me reeling. I cannot fucking fathom being in those parents’ shoes. And to have this fucking asshat then try to profit off that loss by making the lives of those parents even worse?

So who’s the dirty Sanchez?

Okay, just because a vehicle has a lift kit or some plastic cladding on its fenders doesn’t mean it’s a crossover. It’s all about the physical dimensions of a stationwagon that makes it, traditionally, a stationwagon: a sedan with a long roof and a tailgate.

You’re not going to win this argument. Every crossover has more headspace and a more upright seating position. They took a wagon and stretched it upwards. Crossover is more than just ground clearance.

Just wait a year or two. With that Volvo depreciation, they’ll be half price.

The V60 is NOT a crossover. It’s a stationwagon. It’s a S60 sedan with a tailgate and longer roof. That’s it. It’s what a stationwagon, by its purest definition, is. Crossovers have tall cabins and typically short wheelbases to look more like a mini-SUV. You may be thinking of Volvo’s XC series; those are

Don’t feel bad. GM forgot about it too.

Buick. TourX. Seriously, why is that not the comparison? Lower weight, higher HP, lovely exterior, good enough interior, and can be had for 25k. Wagonheads, unite!

So to get that spare tire cover off, you just stick a quarter in that slot and twist it?

Jesus, you have whole towns just for arachnids? Are you Australian?

What part of is already sold out are you failing to hear?

OG Zelda STILL scares me.

I hate ev’ry Brad Pitt movie I see

Give us the proper HBO adaptation of the book we all want!

Cool story bro

Ariana’s tattoo reminds me of a book im reading.

Khan reminds you that it is space.

It’s clear up in Dallas, but cold as balls.