
“So then I told Donkey, ‘Look DK, you don’t have to choose between Pauline and Candy. Just make sure they both know about each other and everything should be fine. And if that mustached bastard gives you any trouble, just drop a few flaming barrels on him.’”

I’d use a good helper.

You forgot to add the #truejalop hashtag to your very jalop comment.

But he wasn’t great. He was very good. But he wasn’t great. He is a great analyst.

and in one of the strangest alterations, Trump’s fingers have been made slightly longer.

Well, there goes my day dream of this being the actual lineup.


John Wick vs. The Chairman.  As much as I enjoy him on Iron Chef, and his stint on Agents of SHIELD (his fight with Ming Na Wen was one of the better fights on any show that year.)...

Damn. The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot looks genuinely goddamn interesting. It had my curiosity, but now it certainly has my attention.

A poor person never gave anybody charity, not of any real volume.

That’s honestly my favorite part of the clips, it seems like the teammates are really supporting each other.

Are we SURE that suitcase didn’t belong to Hawkeye Pierce?

Hell, have her takeover MI once Cruise is done.

Now playing

Here’s the international trailer with an extra scene at the beginning:

I swear sometimes it feels like the 1920s all over again. Stupid dumbass gimmicks everywhere you turn and all of it bullshit cons.

You have to admit, whatever his failings, he is an expert on mistresses and divorce.

Much like Alan Moore, AOC tends to butt heads with the people in charge of DC.

12/10 staged.

There’s no expectation of privacy in public and even less so at a show that is known to have reporters present.