
Computer: enhance.

Six foot four and full of gristle 

And they can keep going.  As a person, I am not a fan of Tom Cruise.  But the Mission Impossible movies just seem to get better and better each time.

Well preferably white.... with a Mercedes.

After 80 years it’s still the case that the Errol Flynn/Olivia de Havilland version of this story is the best.

Yes, the film is indeed set in the Middle Ages, as much as I wanted to believe it would exist in some mythical alternate reality—or perhaps a post-apocalyptic wasteland—to justify every choice it makes.

Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah would have worked a lot better than Leonard Cohen’s.

Final?  Didn’t this just come back?

This world is full of amazing people. Don’t let the media fool you into thinking we’re all bad people.

I say if the opening scene isn’t Wildcard Day 1946, we riot. (Though I’d prefer it follow Croyd and save Jetboy for a full flashback episode.)


Well I’m gay, so I do care lol

I bet you’ve said it more than once. You seem like the sort who repeats their opinions loudly and often.

Ticwatch Pro is fantastic. I own one now. Far and away the best currently available Wear OS watch. This reporter is completely wrong saying this watch she’s writing about is the first one that doesn’t suck. 

Soory. No hosers or low ballers. I know what I got, Eh.

Not to rain on your parade, but Richard Hatch played Apollo, not Starbuck :)

I have owned mine for 2 years and have charged it 6 times or so.

Yeah, this is a fantastic speaker and the price is insane considering the quality.  I’d call what the article’s talking about “midrange” instead of cheap.

Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.