
Serena is the GOAT, and anyone who follows up with “of women’s tennis” can get fucked.

There was a planned community out that way that didn’t pan out. There are plenty of dirt roads out there that are easily traveled. Maybe more that haven’t been maintained. Something probably happened that washed the car to it’s now former location of 21 years.

Great story, but one question. How the Hell did a 2WD Datsun wagon make it out there?!?

I can’t bear to watch this movie as a father

It works pretty well for informed buyers who don’t want a hassle either.

  • What’s your preferred corn cooking method? I do a riff on Elotes. I mix melted butter, mayo, and fresh lime juice in about equal proportions, then toss roasted corn with the mix and top with cilantro, Cotija, and diced jalapeno.

It needs 1978 Cobra II bodyside graphics 😂😂😂

“We were somewhere around Mos Eisley, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold.”

Jesus knows all and you would think a church-goer would know this.

Beware of that bear. It’s a trick.

Hey Justin, I think a little more clarity would be appropriate.

+1 for the deep cut Simpsons reference

It’s too bad that show only lasted one season, it had such potential.

“removes any mention of the X-Men, entirely.”

Has anyone in these comments ever even seen a chicken?

Re. M:I Fallout, can Ilsa Faust have her own film please? She was such a great character in the last one.

Should go quickly if he teams up with Daredevil, or finds a blindfold.

no numbers, but a large white circle (as a provision for the numbers) on doors + hood. Trust me, I’m a doctor.

I thought they would end the ep with this.