
The Mission Impossible franchise truly deserves some sort of award for the fact that films are on a continuous or near continuous upslope of improvement, which is insane for a franchise going into its sixth film.


Has the future owner—Tavarish—made an appearance?

“This is the heart of American religious practice, which has been shifting in this direction for centuries.”

Holy shit, there’s two of them.

Yes. The author of this post, in fact!

I think just about everybody had.

It occurred to me having re-watched the episode that the shower incident was premeditated. She was pissed at the boyfriend becoming a further wedge between her and her mother. There was that whole scene with her trying to get them to acknowledge her, drinking the wine and slamming down the glass. She got more

I hope he calls himself “Country Riggs.”

Boom. Hard agree.

Gawd I LOVE Push!

Ooh that needs to be its own comic. Ghost Luke with Jacob Marley-level chains draped over him just standing in a corner of Ren’s room... jangling.... or jingling.

Predator 2 was great and I will not hear otherwise. Plus Ice Cube sampled the hell out of it quite wonderfully.

Man you would think. I’m sure they have at some point if not every year. Lol

*Reads headline*

Dude, I live in L.A. and there was a week a year ago where I kept having to drive back and forth from L.A. to San Bernardino, passing through San Dimas. And every time, no matter what, I would almost involuntarily shout “SAN DIMAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL RULES!” because....well I had to.

Even Kinja didn’t believe the first 2 pictures.

Pedantry Corner: universal surveillance and mind-net integration is not, in the classical understanding of the term, anything remotely similar to “the singularity.”

It looked like she did it to have sex/human touch and to get him out of the way. And I think her mom eventually realized that and the reality of what her daughter was really capable of. That’s why in an earlier flash, they showed Syd waking up strapped to a bed and her mom sitting there looking sad. That incident was
