
I grew up in Texas and still don’t understand this take. Please add pinto, kidney, and black beans (drained and rinsed, of course) to your chili, people. Chili without beans is a condiment that kids put on their hotdogs.

please please please don’t mod this to be a rock crawler. this is an overland roadtripper now. please please please please please please plase

I hate every chimp I see from Chimpan A to chimpanzee...

“You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel”

“You’ve gotta be in it to win it!” shouts local lottery winner.

Just lock the fucker up. It’s bad enough that this was somehow meant to be a punishment for filming child pornography and molesting a child but clearly the fuckwit can’t even be bothered to complete tests designed for people several years younger.

“Sideshows” are dumb. Shining lasers at police helicopters is exceedingly dumb. I’m glad they caught the guy.

A: the kid wasn’t being a douche, he was being 5.

B: the host didn’t say “man that kid was being annoying”, he called him “an annoying little piss ant”. Are you a parent? Like, if some asshole called your pre-school aged child“a little fuck” or some variant of that and you shrugged it off as nothing, you’re an

Either Bran wakes up after his initial fall in Season one with a “Has father left yet?”, or...

Drove one of these for a while. It doesn’t really have body roll as such, because its mass is so large, that when it goes around a turn, Newton’s Laws keep it level, and the rest of the Universe bends space-time to float you in whatever direction you are wanting to go.

When I was a kid a couple at my grandfather’s church had one of these in this color. I was utterly smitten. I know objectively how terrible these cars are, but I’ve wanted one ever since. This color looks better under good lighting and with some polish (it’s got more gold in it than this photo shows) but to me, deep

You know, I realize this is a ploy to grow the gram channel but Im not even mad. You’ll probably be seeing some stuff from me. Thank you for not doing a promotion where I have to get 2 other people to follow you to be entered in some BS contest.

You should look at their proposal for an after-school group.

Hot take: it was a movie I enjoyed.

Imagine a world, where content creators are paid by the word....

So it was Charlie who let the Kaiju in, right?

“Oh come on whats the worst that can happen?”

The first time I saw BLACK DYNAMITE was at Sundance, on Inaguration Day 2009. When we went in the theater, George W. Bush was President; when we came out, it was Obama. Here’s hoping the sequel has the same effect.