
WTH is the movie from the pic at the top of the article? Can you guys start captioning crap like that?


Oh no..totally’s why I read the piece and I didn’t find out a thing about him in it!

That’s Paul Reubens with Sharon Stone in the pic on top right? If not it’s a damn doppelganger...

Re-population of endangered species.

Justin: There’s nothing wrong with the Hyundai Sonata

This was the moment I was dreading, this was the moment I became an old fart, horrified by the indulgences and carefree attitudes of today’s car society.

Besides, we all know it’s his Easter heritage that’s most interesting. He’s always carrying around eggs in a basket and muttering about three day resurrections, the guy’s a mess.

Ah, cave diving. Combining my two biggest fears of drowning and claustrophobia.

Good. No one wants to watch that.

True! Can you imagine V16 out of Sixteen and MagneRide tuned for wafting a la Rolls Royce?

I don’t think I’ll go back to drinking as heavily, but a glass or two every now and then will be good.

Not disputing your basic premise here, but remember, Barack Obama was elected President just 9 years ago. In fact, the last three Democratic Presidents were not rich by any measure. But if you’re going to nominate a non-rich candidate then you sort of have to trust in his or her charisma and ability not to fall down

The Carson eyeroll that follows is also hilarious.

Done. And welcome!


Jesse Ventura’s seal of approval

I made no one get dressed up. They all chose to, presumably to make me look like a doofus.

So is that the Phantom of the Chrysler pant that haunts the production line to this day? Or is it just Old Man Johnson trying to put a stop to production thus ensuring that the plant has to close so he can buy it for cheap?