
Is it just me or did Dave Grohl decide to chill at the back of the Bang Bang for the final musical number?

This show is so hard to describe to my friends…I've settled on Felicity meets Flight of the Concords

Can we give some well deserved love to Urbaniak? He's utterly delightful!

True, but that would mean Stannis would have to be completely rewritten as a character.

With the death of Shireen, Stannis has killed his house and name…hope it was worth it, idiot!

I was utterly charmed by this episode…but admittedly would have loved to see a Garrett-Vickie-Fat Neil love triangle.

Thanks, I forgot about that locked in the room bit. Wish Sansa showed a bit more cunning to help her situation.

WTF? How hard is it to put the candle in the window yourself? Now that signal is blown will we see Brienne spend the rest of Season 5 waiting in the snow?

Like the Ass Crack Bandit before him, I really want to know who Silver Ballz is…

This is the first epi where I get why people like Stannis the Mannis

Kit Harrington broke my heart when Stannis offered to legitimize Jon

Lemons grow in Pentos!

Blaine is obviously the Logan Echolls of the show…I'm all ready to start shipping him and Liv

My fav Mad Men ritual is to check the http://stanlovespeggy.tumbl… after each episode - basking in the shipping glow tends to erase any lingering bleakness…I'm going to miss this show!

I'll watch Sutton Foster in anything…because of Bunheads #RIP

This episode felt deliberately slow to me…

I found the Brienne and Jaime watching Sansa from afar scene interesting for 2 reasons: Brienne now knows what Sansa looks like (albeit from a distance - curious if we'll get any non-book interaction between the two); I wonder how this will impact future events with Stoneheart?

I find it interesting that the only thing that separates 2 of the most popular shows on TV: Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, is the quality and adaptation of the source material.

It's just a tv show: sometimes brilliantly haunting, certainly well acted, but nothing I haven't seen before from Twin Peaks, Lost, Carnivàle, The Returned, Hannibal…shit, even The Killing had its moments. If I hadn't seen those other shows, maybe I'd think True Detective was the end-all-be-all it was hyped to be.

As someone who started their Doctor Who journey with the Rose and the 9th Doctor, I was not expecting to get as emotionally attached to these characters, regardless of their incarnations, and found the ending of Doomsday absolutely devastating.