
Weird how I saw this popular post on reddit yesterday and now its here

sounds like there would be way to much lost in translation to be a good movie.

Yes lets compare a normal short to guy Hollywood elites and/or rich people. No difference

Jesus christ

Pretty much can do whatever you want, all you need to do is say oh well i heard a slur.

I would have just stuck to baseball and made millions that way. Great not every has that choice and for the vast majority football is the the only way for these guys to make life changing money.

But how else will i get 35 an hour for doing a job with no skill involved?

So i can pay more for Amazon prime? No thanks

When you have a chance to disparage white people you need to take it

Damn white people

sweet cant wait to use it for gawker

Maybe a little less coke next time around

Don’t do drugs kids.

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks this is a big deal, pro or against.

I grew up in Greenwich, CT so exactly what you would expect. Lots of brand new cars. Very few fast cars, mostly just new and safe cars because old money isn’t stupid.

Now I’m at the end of my senior year of high school

Wont someone think of the criminals

Can someone give me a summary of that Vision comic? seems pretty interesting

why does it have to be person? I identify as a unicorn this is very triggering for me

because its better to get 18 years of tax free growth that taxable growth.

Why would another investment have a better return when you can invest almost anything in a 529?