
Exactly who wants tax free returns for 18 year?

It will surely leak? please tell us more person on the internet

Step 1: be attractive
Step 2: don’t be not attractive

God damn business owners, the government should take those away from them.

Its more like “I’m sick of being in her friend zone”

If some girl is picking a person who lives on 1000s of miles away that they have only met in real life once, then shes not really into you.

In the two and a half year relationship of theirs, they only met in person one time


I don’t understand how people can’t find friends / relationships that aren’t hours or thousands of miles away. Who in their right mind starts a relationship over massive distance? Do they know about tinder?

Feels, not facts on gawker.

No he got it from you, a 4 year old is not turning on the news. Hell my 3 and a half year old has never seen the news because hes in bed by 7pm. Everything he knows is from you. Stop projection so much.

Like when trump said he would leave it up to the states and Hilliary was against pot legalization in ‘All Senses Of the Word’

That would require parenting, its much more fun to demand the world change for you

And then he said spiderman can climb on walls because he got bit by a radioactive spider not because hes white and the kid said ohhh ok

Sorry you are not allow to have options that might be a slight to someone

In a 5 vs 5 game if i make it so 4 of the 5 cant interact with me the 5th guy wont realize this and my team will have a huge advantage

So now every opposing player cant interact with me, looks like my team is going to do pretty well

The bubble idea is really good, as is the ability to mute someone. I just dont see how griefers wont abuse the hell out of this.

My problem is getting rid of them, the bubble is a great idea as is a report option. But 1 person being able to kick anyone who they want out of a game is going to lead to tons of abuse.

Disagree with me? you must live in your moms basement and assault women.

yeah thats totally reasonable

Yep just because disagree i must be actively out there harassing women. All gun owners want to kill minorities and all black people are criminals. Painting with broad strokes is fun!