princess jabba

seriously, "be raped or starve" isn't exactly "cake or death"

Humans have jumped the shark

and my commute is one episode of batman

THAT i would actually care to see

Great interview with Bagaria on Women's Magazine last Sunday. I see the reviewer here wasn't impressed by it, but I'm very curious to see the confrontation with McMasters. It seems, IDK, maybe "brave" isn't the right word, but it's SOMETHING of Bagaria to basically be fooled like that, in SUCH a public way, and kind

yeah and above all the amazons should be ARF ARF AROOOOO slobber slobber HUBBA HUBBA baaZOOOOOgaaaaa pant pant pant

Wonder Woman? Cats out of trees? Couldn't you call the fire department? Isn't that their… job?

ONLY if he shaves his legs

Didn't they strap a dead relative to the roof of their car in one?

LMAO not even surprised. We've had a stack of them in back at work waiting for street date to hit and I couldn't even get through the blurb on the jacket.


that is SO CUTE.

LET'S GET HIM *smashes bottle*


lmao i can't believe it but by this time five years from now i'm gna fuckin hate star wars.

lmao. I like this guy but cmon. WHY would you interview him for 11 Qs? you're funny, avc.

I've been a Midnighter fan since Authority (like probably most of his fans I'm guessing?) and enjoyed his other solo title (the Ennis bit was fun in that totally Ennis way—replacing one of his hearts with a bomb to get him to travel back in time and kill hitler?? ehhh ok!! sure!) and I was even open to his New 52

every trailer i see for this just makes me feel kind of embarrassed for them.

i'm not crying YOU'RE CRYING

tom hardy is just incredible