princess jabba

I was really loving this series but took a break after ep nine, just watched this and ep 11 last night. Guess I should have skipped the break and just rode that binge watching high because I found myself getting bored with all the Matt and Foggy scenes. IDK. I just wanted Foggy to STFU with his whining so we could get

Thank you for bringing Leslie Nielsen Fart Machine stories into my life.

I barely remember this movie, but thanks to the article I might try a rewatch. I DO remember the marketing. It got me SO. PUMPED. I didn't solve any of the puzzles, but followed along on some forums. I think it started with a strange credit in a trailer, then continued online with a number of fictional business and

Wow, long time since I even thought about this band. I saw them at Bottom of the Hill once where instead of setting up on stage, they played from the floor. I thought that was ~~~soooo cool~~~

i just looked it up and bouillabaisse is fish soup. according to the wiki, it tastes "of despair"

Wow. Actually excited for this.

Yes. For me, Martha and Clarke's dinner was the most intriguing part. Ever since Philip brought her to see Clarke's apartment she's been really tough to read. And then with her backpedaling on the adoption, telling him only that its ok and she's fine?? What is she up to?!

Embarrassed to admit I did not realize at first that was Philip in his emo wig. >.>


<3 saxophone fart <3

I get it now

it's crowning!!

martha's robe. that vhs leg lift exercise. THE EIGHTIES, MAN.

wachowskis never do some little somethin'-somethin' lighthearted comedy that sorta flops, they go all in: get huge amounts of cash, blow it all on some weird vision no one else really gets, and just do really terribly over and over. i respect that.

hello fellow adults sitting alone at this movie

OH. Duh. I stream a lot of shows and usually don't notice the breaks too often, they just really stood out here!

this show can be so dumb about stuff but has such incredible performances. I'd probably watch Violet and Isobel/Mrs. Pattmore and Mrs. Hughes/Carson's eyebrows for N more seasons.

hmm first dozen comments are a bunch of irritated and confused dudes so you're definitely doing something right KEEP IT UP FRIEND

LIES. What do you say we settle this on the runway… Han-SOLO???

Nucky's father screaming after their scuffle, "we're always here" (or
whatever it was), I instantly thought of when Nucky burns the place
down. I remember superficially understanding the motives then (the further adventures of Nucky's manpain), but here it really clicked.