
Great review

Isn’t it 1 v 3 since he took out only smeargle hariyama and nihilego?

do you need a safe space little boy?

because erased sucked

That rabbit’s face creeps me out

Joe Pesci

Typos everywhere

China just copies games from other countries so what’s the point

Yeah he is an asshole but what did he do wrong?

Why can’t they date fans?

FFXV. It was a game I waited 10 years on. I remember seeing the first preview when I was a teen, and I thought it looked amazing. I followed it for years, was really excited to see it changed to FFXV. Then I played the game: masterpiece. Until you get to chapter 9, after Altissia, it all goes downhill from there.

My feelings exactly, fuck the ending and everything past Altissia

This console was a gem. I liked the double-screen console concept and really enjoyed Splatoon/Smash 4/ MK8. Wish there were more games for it coming out but it looks like the Switch will take over

Why not tell her that her parents buy the presents with their hard earned money, not some fat man with a beard?


*Tips fedora and blushes*
*Teleports behind you*

That’s perfect if I’ve ever seen perfection

No Kingdom Hearts? HELL NO

why would you get this instead of a ps4?

FFXV and Let it Dieeeeeeee