Fake Raphael deLaghetto



It’s like hearing the news that the noisy, asshole neighbours living downstairs are finally getting evicted, and even though we’ll have to put up with the noise of construction below us over the next little while, we’re just glad the old tenants are gone.

In this century:

In 1989, my mother and my 3 year-old-self were caught crossing the border near Tijuana. We were leaving El Salvador where the American caused Civil War convinced my mom to finally leave. My mom and I were put in a detention center, TOGETHER, for 2 days. We applied for asylum as refugees of war and were permitted to

This lady from overseas raises her bottle of cider to all you warriors, to all you fighters, to all you not-let-uppers. You did it. I’m a crying mess of relief because you. did. it.

I’ve been mesmerized by this one personally. Even with (or because of?) some of the more questionable cameos.

Trump is now and forever a one term loser president who got impeached.

Now playing

Everything takes time, but this shit came fast
Niggas standin’ in line, they wanna hold me back
I multiplied my hustle, stimulated my mind
Motivated my niggas and we’ll never divide, NO!

valid reasons not to own a pet

The White House needs a permanent Cat in Residence. Once a day that cat would get up, stretch, eat, look at all the stupidity going on, and go back to sleep.

I can’t wait for the Obamas to be able to set foot in the White House again as Biden’s honored guests. Joe and Barack gonna be having cookouts on the lawn every weekend. I can’t wait

this is why Chuck and Nancy and Bernie and the Clintons et al. need to be retired; their 20th century diplomacy and idealism are just not suited for this point in the country’s history. The GOP has shown an absolute willingness to assert its power whenever possible, to obstruct any legislation unless they get their

Big ups to Stacey Abrams for saving the country. 

It took them so long because now they don’t need him and they’re getting off the sinking ship. Sad they wouldn’t stand up to him all these years, but here we are.

It’s NEVER ‘done.’ An election means nothing is ‘over’ and we SHOULDN’T ‘breathe’. We need to keep fighting.

It’s really great that mainstream media has realized they can just cut away or not show the footage when Trump is lying. It only took them 5 years.

GAMERS: I don’t trust the gaming press, I don’t think they even LIKE video games!

ALSO GAMERS: Why are these reviews so positive, video games these days all suck!

You missed the biggest flaw of all: