This League!
This League!
He needs to have beef with the OKC front office
Yellow card for time wasting.
Shoutout to British Marv.
No “think about the children” comments from the other team?
There’s always next game.
He’s the Nats color commentator.
I was surprised they let a Fox network reporter actually say the word “environment” let alone do a piece imploring country clubs to be more environmentally friendly.
No, that meant that they didn't want black people hosting Sportscenter.
Oh btw, Raptors team president Masai Ujiri is dealing with a police incident, after being denied entrance on the court postgame.
I had high hopes for his podcast because I liked work including his Comedy Central show. However he seems like more of a “respect the discourse” guy that is safe enough for The Ringer’s podcast network a bit of a change from the bite The Nightly Show had and from his correspondents dinner speech.
This sucks for Durant and all but.. lol knicks?
Has the crowd cheering Durant's injury galvanized the Warriors?
Am I the only one who’s excited about a new Microsoft Flight Simulator?
I dont read it as they’re gleefully showing this stuff. I take it as Deadspin shows everything including nsfw things, short of actual death. This article in particular is pretty much a matter of fact piece to me. Also, football has a larger slice of American culture thus more people signing up to partake, thats the…
My power is not derived from my son
That’s a deadshot straight to left field. Tonight he is legend. Um.. the Dodgers never had a friend like him?
Damn, I’m trippin. I guess we’re on the same page then.
The problem I have with guys like Allen is that they are operating on old ass data. 2016 CHANGED EVERYTHING. Trump’s done things even before the election that would have ended any other politicians’ career. And people (at least not enough; or the right people) don’t fucking care. It’s reverberated internationally as…
Skip hasn't been there for years