Fake Raphael deLaghetto

This has been your White Sox Minute

By the time he finishes telling this story the mountain lion is going to be 10 feet tall, 400 pounds.

Didn’t watch it but from what I’m hearing, it was as boring as a Floyd Mayweather fight. All defense with the better team eking out a win on the scorecards.

All of us who didn’t see the game are winners

The slippery one

How does Gurley only have 10 carries in a one score game?

This is like when Homer escaped when they stopped at Krusty Burger in part 2 of “Who Shot Mr. Burns”.

I look forward to seeing this in the opening to Men in Blazers.

In tennis there's a practical reason for silence during play, it's because you have to hear the calls from the linespersons. 

That’s what they get for trusting someone named “Georgie Businsessman”

Hell even the NFL’s trade deadline in the last couple seasons has been more exciting than MLB’s Hot Stove.

It’s your prerogative not to like a movie.

This is based off of a book. Neil and Buzz were played as they described. Ryan probably at this point is getting typecast.The movie wasn’t bad or badly made you misplaced your expectations. 

Sir, this is an Arby’s

Melo got 7 player votes

Are the Patriots bad for football?

The arguments for voting are either fear-based or “people have sacrificed too much..”. Plus it seems like Marshawn isn’t encouraging others to not vote, he just hasn’t seen it make a difference in Oakland. I voted everytime I could but I see the alternative especially for someone who is actually doing something

Only if I wanted to get inoculated from Vodka

Or you could’ve waited 2 more hours for the Sixers game post

I mean, there’s a chance we can get the Skins or Raiders this year..