Fake Raphael deLaghetto

So you are saying it’s the Obamacare of Deadspin

Fuck, the Patriots again?

It’s a damn shame

I thought indefinite suspensions were just a game.

I don’t understand why Americans would turn down good eligible talent. It’s not like the US has a bunch of World Cup titles, like Brazil or Germany, to look back on and say we won it this way.

“I’m Ron Burgandy?”

Yeah because he was he born with $19 million. Plus being a super bowl winning defense lineman is easy. You just mad because you’ll never make that in your life.

Dare I say. Are we starting a “Blue Devil Numbers” piece?

Hopefully Talladega’s president catches hell for this either from the students or the faculty/staff. I’ve seen college presidents come under fire for less.


Who said someone was racist?

I can imagine all the Celtics fans nutting just thinking about him.

A good 7 day rest cures everything

He’s an angry sleeper

Naut funny

Cooley also started a rumor that Marvin Lewis was retiring according “a guy he knows in Cincy”. Nobody with any credibility has said anything about Lewis’ job.

“He was thinking about that before the game and he got his opportunity”

RIP UFC’s mainstream appeal.

Damn, 2016 got him too?