Soiled Snake

A wise man once said: “The IQ of a mob is that of its most stupid member, divided by the number of mobsters”

Yes, they spent years and untold effort on a game because “they wanted to test what they could get away with against the copyright”

I agree with pretty much all this, but I will say that $150USD is a lot for a controller, even one so nice. I love my Elite, and I think if you have $150 to spare there are worse things you could do with the money, but it is going to be a little too steep for most people. The customization software, and paddles should

The DS4 was my goto for pretty much everything until I got my hands on an elite. The elite really is about perfect. The dish shapped D-Pad has become my all-time favorite D-Pad, the extra weight, improved shoulder buttons, and the triggers have just the right amount of resistance.

This sounds a little creepy, but it is otherwise a perfectly valid opinion. Gone Home isn’t about escapism, and if escapism is what you want in a game (and that is a perfectly valid expectation) GH isn’t going to click.

The proliferation of online walk throughs, and good old exageration of one’s awesome video game skills tends to compress time a lot.

Do you get this mad when other games you dislike are well liked? I am guessing not, and that should tell you something.

Yes, literal/figurative children getting mad because someone is preventing them from playing with their toy is exactly as bad as a war zone in which tens of thousands of civilians are killed yearly.

A lot of people take great enjoyment in other people getting really mad maybe? I admit I have had times in the past that my day was endlessly brightened because I had people screaming at me over Xbox live or messaging me about how mad they were.

Not that I think the situation surrounding Bear Simulator is a good one, but by your logic, the only people allowed to review and or comment on games are delevopers of the same caliber as the person making the game. This isn’t required in any other form of media, why should it apply to games?

Negativity is really easy to sell. It is far easier to laugh at the expense of a game, and drag along a gang of followers to mock it, than it is to be entertaining in some other way.

Assuming that continental drift moved the land mass 4000-odd miles to the southeast in the 12000 year interim, sure.

I actually noticed a strong similarity the first time I saw the Primal map, and sort of suspected that this is what they may have done. Having said that, I am not really all that bothered by it.

and terrible spelling.

A broad, and stupid phrase like “morality holds progress back” demonstrates little more than ignorance, arogance, and other words that end in “ance”

A guy who’s entire shtick is “being an asshole” is mad that some one fired him in an asshole way? Hmmm

Sounds like you have some actual data to back that up?

“What other style of commentary do you think goes well with mobas other than whiny immature man-child commentary”

Valve was “right place right time”. Their service is decent, but customer support is still a joke. They are big because they got there first. I’m not saying they are dumb, but they are not the greatest business minds in the world, and no, PC gaming was not “dying” when Steam apppeared.

So someone said “how can we make this game as tedious as possible?” and now here we are.