Fire all women? Lets not get paranoid, I mean the courts would have to decide that religious beliefs trump all laws against discrimination or something. Like that is ever going to happen. What a silly thing to think.
Fire all women? Lets not get paranoid, I mean the courts would have to decide that religious beliefs trump all laws against discrimination or something. Like that is ever going to happen. What a silly thing to think.
He could be right, I mean by many accounts America was a pretty nice place before the Europeans showed up.
When we all die in the great impending environmental collapse, people donating to this idiot will be a pretty strong argument in the “we totally deserved this” column.
At the risk of sounding like “that person” I’m going to agree. I thought of Wind Waker as soon as I saw that village, and noticed the very similar layout. I saw it pointed out online when the game was still pretty new even.
I love that this dumb posturing, which would be considered a problem in virtually any other context, is a “feature” of fighting game tournaments.
No requirement that every song is autobiographical? Some times the narrator is a role the storyteller is playing. Lots of authors and songwriters do this all the time.
It was like a really good meal with a really meh dessert.
No dude it’s totally an act. Have you even read “Mother Night”?
It really is an often forgotten, underrated classic.
Reminds me of a song
“Enemy combatants”
I think they mean “people understand that racism is bad, but they don’t actually understand what it is and cannot recognize it outside of carefully labeled examples”
The lable is all that matters anymore.
Seriously fuck this guy.
In the last 10 years, we have learned that caring about things is stupid “virtue signaling” and those that do should be mocked. Showing emotion of any kind is a “meltdown”. Saying racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, or any other hate speech is “being ironic” or “just messing around to trigger the SJWs”.
It is pretty telling when a person’s or persons’ reaction to criticism is always to become hostile and dismissive. It’s hardly unique to law enforcement but any group who’s actions are literally life and death matters for others should never be above criticism. Many other professions with less lethal force eject bad…
nah, its 4.
Potential on this is sky high. This looks like it this game aims to be the game that I wanted out of Omerta and before that Gangsters.