Soild Snake

Hey man, I just subscribed up the new Microsoft BLACKBOX service featuring Blackhole Technology! It has negative latency! Like my guy moves 24ms before I even move my hands! The best part is, that even though the technology is more than 30 years away, it doesn’t matter because it’s so advanced it exists before it has

I agree that this isn’t viable in the US, but given the US’s recent affinity for alienating itself from trade partners, the possibility exists that it is simply going to be left behind. Subscription and streaming services can definitely work in regions/countries that are not floundering around in an internet stone

And like all assholes that own a grand piano they never touch, it is left fully open in front of a window for maximum exposure.

Guns: Safe and ok for everyone

It is not possible to foul his ass enough after this. I hope the next time he is at the store buying an avocado, someone elbows him onto his ass and takes the fruit.

Fools and their money. Sucks that the dude dumped $4500 into a black hole but thats how it goes. He should be thankful he didn’t get mixed up with a real cult like Scientology, he would be down a lot more than $4500 bucks.

The place is a lovingly modeled broom closet with the highest fidelity ever. All players will spawn inside of one and never be able to leave and that will be the entire game.

The word is “Will’nt”

I would do what I could to help and then I would shut the hell up and realize that this isn’t about me. It takes a special kind of asshole to show up on a white horse during a tragedy and expect people to thank you for gracing them with your presence.

Musk is a cry baby, and an idiot that just so happens to be rich. Hope this helps.

Owned by Russia again.

There is no crime until someone finds it, so best not to look!

It is no coincidence that a lamb is on of their most cherished symbols.

Everything bad that happens to me is someone else’s fault.

I personally would be a lot happier if these assholes could just straight up steal my money, rather than run a corrupt criminal justice system and for-profit prison network which in the ends gets my money to the same place as flagrant theft would, but leaves scores of broken people in it’s wake.

As long as you pack it with a sugar of some kind sure. Pretty much anything will taste good if you put enough sugar in it.

DnD has been using this almost exact system for over 40 years. The top of your HP bar is nothing, it is your ability to avoid damage, pull out of a hit, or just be lucky because you are a goddamn hero.

“Women belong in the home, and America is falling apart because we forgot that”

Hockey. Hockey never changes.

“All of the kids are back with their parents on this beautiful farm upstate. It is beautiful, and just wonderful, they couldn’t be happier”