Any time Trump spends not-working is technically an improvement over him actually trying to “work”, so technically she is correct?
Any time Trump spends not-working is technically an improvement over him actually trying to “work”, so technically she is correct?
Is she though? She seems to be doing a lot of “people think I meant bad things” instead of demonstrating any sort of self-awareness as to how or why people might take issue with her previous statements.
I agree with you, but I admit that the former group being the ones stockpiling the most guns gives me pause.
Besides taking care of every single production and service task, machines will also write all the books, make all our music, and design all our things.
I don’t know.... I see your point but turn the situation around.
Hey elections matter! How else you can you figure out who to send the money to?
He didn’t reverse the course because he gave a shit that a bunch of people he expects will, and deserve to burn in hell got sick. He did it because it was making him look bad enough he and his shit-stain party mates might lose elected positions. The evangelical’s “Christian charity” only extends to those they feel…
If you look at it really, really, hard, it sort of looks like a Hilary robot, hastily re-decorated to look like Trump.
Well lots of people actually, because polygraphs are shit, and based on a lot of pseudo-science. They really should have all been put in a dumpster and burned decades ago.
They will be sending the bootstraps in the mail.
Splendor has been an outstanding gateway game for my kids. It is easy enough to understand but has a lot of tactical depth that makes it an easy choice for an all-ages game with relatives.
Wrong hole. Check the list again, it is actually worse.
Your honor, in the landmark case “Mr Snuggle Bottoms vs Ohio” it was ruled that filthy cat litter is a protected form of free speech.
I run through Castlevania: Symphony of the Night at least once between Christmas and the New Year. I have done this every year since the game came out in 1997. I still have it on PS1, although I switched to the PSP/Vita version some years ago since a handheld is easier to take along than an entire console on a trip.
Put him in a swimsuit and heels, judge him, and then load him and Trump, and all their ilk onto a barge and push it out to sea.
I still have access to Motor Rock, which was a clone of “Rock and Roll Racing” right up to and including ripping the original game’s voice work from the SNES version. Needless to say Blizzard/Activision were not amused, and it was yanked from the store mere days after it went on sale.
Inbreeding is a helluva drug.
I think everybody does. 3D is the black olives on a pizza of movies. Yeah, there are people that claim to like them, but for most everybody else we never ask for them*. Given the choice between eating a pizza with those rotten little salty trash grapes and going hungry, we aren’t going to go hungry, but it’s never…
Yeah this. They want to sell your data, and as soon as enough people start dodging their controls, they are going to just straight up block anything that even looks like it might be a VPN.
Declaring your intention to physically assault a woman that disagrees with you, by explaining to them how you aren’t going to hit them makes you the best person!