Soild Snake

I just cannot eat stright up pig fat. Bacon is cool, there is fat but I feel like it is also largely meat. Pork Belly is like eating pieces of fat, and I just can’t do it.

A flaming weapon is better, because you don’t need to light it.

Not to be a jerk, but you are wrong on this.

I don’t recall playing a Mario Kart (Super circuit is the only title I haven’t played) in which the blue didn’t change target. If it is already hovering over your head and you drop back, yeah it is too late and you are going to have to suck it up. Before that, you can definitely get out of its way.

Real soldiers regenerate wounds if they can avoid being shot for 5 seconds too.

“Do what Oceanhorn did”

If you far ahead of second place, the shell probably won’t let them get in the lead after it hits you. If second place is right on your tail, as soon as you hear the warning and see the shell on the map, you drop back and let someone else take the lead. In that respect the blue shell is definitely something that can

“Now, there are ways to avoid getting hit by the world’s most annoying item, but in that moment”

At this point it is the Garfield of web comics. Not too many people are going to claim to love it, but they keep it around because it feels weird to exclude it.

How dare they dumb down my games just so other people might be able to enjoy it. I am also mad about elevators, access ramps, and the existence of handicapped parking spaces.

My younger daughter was convinced that the “12th place” on the bottom meant she was winning, because 12 is bigger than 1. 

Isn’t one of the Puyo shape sets letters? I saw it on the unlock screen, but I haven’t tried it so I don’t know if colors get specific letters assigned to them or if it is more of an alphabet soup deal.

Palmer Luckey finding new ways to spend that sweet sweet VR money.

Not even that necessarily.

People are really bad at understanding population density, and assume that the more land area that votes for you, the more you win. It doesn’t matter which map he is touting, because nobody fawning over it understands what it means anyway. It might as well be a blank US map with feces spread all over it.

To be fair, it isn’t because the move is a cheat, it’s just that the actual hardware makes it really hard to do, unless the stick has a specific amount of tension in it.

That title is reserved for VR.

In the beginning, the KKK was definitely a Christian group, and the organization still regards itself as one even though thier policies and views are pretty outside of what most congregations would consider “Christian values”.

So if they disintegrate while on the floor of the bathroom, that means healthy soil? Asking for a friend.

Two breaks that can end your promising esport career: