
Question, and pardon my ignorance to how these things work, but is there anything stopping a company like Blimpies from coming in and letting subway franchises flip as their contracts expire?

Agreed. Now let me go play Rocket League and spam Savage! for 5 minutes.

I think that it is a loss. I don't see a correlation between sports stadiums, and a company that will provide 6 figure jobs to 25,000 people. Especially when it was being negotiated that they would have had to do some sort of local hiring as well. The people of LIC and local businesses there would definitely notice a

They didn't move here. They've been here already. They're adding 1500 more jobs in one of the richest areas of the country. It won't make a dent in the local economy. However, had they moved to Queens, it could have really helped. Especially if they had to hire some of the local people to work there. This is a net

Does anyone else wish NBA Live would just go back to NBA Live 98 from the Sega Genesis for gameplay, and then just add modern visuals? That game was way more fun for me than anything out now. Seems like such an easy thing to do. Make that the gameplay, add a career mode, a dynasty mode, and that's a wrap!

I don’t mind the price. $20 for a year is less than $2 a month. Just buying 3 or 4 of those games in the eShop would cost more.

Odd, right? I like how this phone also has baked into the software something that blocks it sending data to fake cell phone towers. It also let’s me know any time my info is sent to any server.

I got this phone the day it came out in China and love it. It comes with a clear case but I go without. 

I may have missed it in the article, but some of the features I use a lot that weren’t mentioned: