
If you have to say you have a sense of humor might not!

All that proves is that you modified the Wikipedia page.

Wow, you know more than the experts who designed the chart! Go have yourself a cookie and stfu!

1) Go live there

It wouldn’t rank anywhere because FSI would never teach it.

You know English has these too?

Just because you don’t have a wide vocabulary doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

You live in the “industry town” of psychosis.

I’ve explained, that’s probably not the real reason. The real reason is they need to keep a balanced budget to use the reconciliation process which is passed by simple majority as opposed to the normal process which can be filibustered. They know no one will allow individual tax cuts on middle class to expire but they

No, there is a simple explanation for the reason behind it (although still shitty). Republicans need to pass a bill using the reconciliation process so it can pass by simple majority. If they went the regular route, it could be filibustered. Reconciliation requires not adding to the debt. To make the math work they

What’s that saying... When you hate everyone maybe the problem is you. Maybe we can adapt a little. When literally everyone you see has a severe mental Illness..... maybe it’s you.

What drugs is this man on with that nose wheezing and cotton mouth?

Who THE FUCK are these jabroni imposters?

shut the fuck up you cry baby

There’s no demand but when you install a stooge to head the DOE who is willing to actively go against the very findings of the study he commissioned, you don’t need to worry about demand.

This is really the go-to card for anyone active duty military. Yearly fees are waived and it’s the number one reason I dumped Chase Sapphire and kept Amex Plat and Gold.

This is really the go-to card for anyone active duty military. Yearly fees are waived and it’s the number one reason

Hooray for President Pence I guess.

Melania paid 60K to look like Melania so she needs another 60K in.

I will NEVER unsee this.

FUCK OFF. Your stupid anecdotes are just stupid !!