
Nice! Looks like every 911 from the past 15 years but with this ugly vent to really help distinguish it.

Objects in the mirror may appear closer but... GODDAMN!

Think you read too much into what I wrote. All I meant that it's a sport that is much easier for a rich kid to fancy if his heart desires.

Hey now, the 1 percenter kids may find it useful if it tickles their bone that weekend.

Oh how the tween girls crying over their cute & rocky relationships will eat this song up.

I wonder how they make $$$ with free users like me?

My difficult to find nonexistent girlfriend also disagrees.

About time!

yikes, good luck with your perverse way of thinking judge dredd.

Listen dude, the video shows someone who made a mistake of changing lanes in a haste manner. (I wouldnt even call it reckless). We have all made stupid decisions driving (and in life in general) and we either get away with it or pay a price - sometimes small, sometimes big. This person did not deserve the outcome

Boy your parents done messed you up good.

"i'm so edgy being an insensitive prick dur durr"

Can you wave your sadistic, sociopath flag any higher?

Impala-sized sports car is such a turn off.

Who is this and why do i instantly hate his guts?

Ya, kinda like watching porn w/o sound right?

lol @ anyone comparing these 2 cars.

The nose wants what it wants.

STFU already u arrogant know-it-all douchenozzle.