
What a beauty. Instant want for me.

I think he got fired. You're a week or so behind. Maybe you're still stuck on how they initially handled it?

Is anyone else labeling it as "solved" except this jezebel writer and puppets like you who follow along?

That's something the father of a UT student would drive.

I'm not sure 918 (or any rare car owners) aren't buying it to NOT show it off.

You mean like seeing someone wearing air jordans in a buffet line?

Pioneers, these two are.

'She said / they said' is not a strong argument. Being 28 (and Jewish!), she should know getting it on paper or video is kinda important before suing away.

Now we are one.

You had me till tara reid...

I think the same can be said for liquor (rubbing alcohol in fancy bottles) and anything that requires an "acquired taste". I'll stick to my Yoo-Hoo, thankyouverymuch.

No, but no one wants to hear about global warming when the discussion is about a lady who wants to stay in the limelight b/c of her low self-esteem.

But must it LOOK like it weighs that much. That pic says it all.

Diverting the issue of someone who is insecure to patriarchal blame game is getting tiresome.

Cant disagree w/ you but my comment was specifically regarding this gem > "Because getting old is scary in an industry that values youth, probably"

Yes, let's blame the industry instead of people who would be insecure regardless of their career choices.

Rich giving loose change to anyone at anytime should not even be a footnote on a toilet paper... let alone make the headline.

Fashion shoots are nothing more then half-assed concepts that have puny intellectual bearings. The fashion photographers do it so they can feel like they're offering something meaningful to the society by "tackling" an issue.

'Innocent until proven guilty' mean anything to you?

My 90s were spent lusting after this car.