Shit, is there a correlation between sport fans becoming total assholes lacking perspective in life and having their team-painted hearts broken as a child??
Shit, is there a correlation between sport fans becoming total assholes lacking perspective in life and having their team-painted hearts broken as a child??
he dead now
I was a bills fan living in austin and loved the look on my friend's oiler oily face!
As some of you are no doubt aware, I am currently on vacation. This means I've interrupted my usual schedule of a) waking up late, and b) sitting around the house no pants on, just so I could spend thousands of dollars to fly half-way around the world, where I am a) waking up late, and b) sitting around the house with…
Does it not look like he's rushing to the nearest bush while holding his weenie?
How is it a 'public space'?
The sidewalk outside subway is public - the restaurant is a private establishment. I think you're confusing a place where the general public goes to a "public place" i.e. parks.
And you think subway restaurant is a public place?
Fo sho, but just wondering why this guy is considered hot.
Rolling ~s l o w l y~ over mud and large rocks... this is fun you say?
PTSD?! Has this lady seen any other torture besides the one endured by her face?
The law says you can't expect privacy in a public space.
I doubt the powers that be are actively searching for that hashtag.
Below average fat white guy gets an above average Asian chick. Hmmm....
Is it too much to ask it in a smaller size?
Talk about run-on babbling.
Bro doing bro things, brah!
You can't be serious w/ that argument..?
Except he seems like the type to wear this as a badge of honor.