Adele Quested

I’m pretty sure Varys will turn against Dany. He’s opposing her in the books and I expect book and show storylines to converge again any time now, since the ending has been said to be pretty much the same, at least concerning the broad strokes.

I don’t think he would have anything to gain from it. He is a man of science, he doesn’t care about ruling, he just wants the freedom to conduct all the morally questionable experiments he can think of, which he already has. Life can’t get any better for Qyburn. The only thing that could turn him against Cersei is her

Did he? The other wights we’ve seen so far all behave like mindless zombies, while Coldhands pretty much still behaved like he would while still alive. He might not have become the same type of creature like the Night-King (maybe because the COTF didn’t go through with the full ritual, learning from their past

What about Benjen/Coldhands? The Children of the Forest saved him by turning him via dragon-glass to the heart. He didn’t get the blue eyes, and the ice-zomby look, but clearly managed to keep it more together than your average wight, got to keep his personality more or less and control over his actions.

I’ve just written a long post about my theory how it’s going to be something with bran and the children of the forst and fucking red god magic, but I just want to go on record saying that I do agree it’s dumb shit, and I would also much prefer the humanity of the story to be at the crux of the decision making at the

Finally someone talking sense. Thank you.

Oh, I totally think Cersei will burn down King’s Landing to go out in style and take a couple of zombies with her, although I don’t think that will be enough to save Westeros (as other posters have pointed out, by the time they reach King’s Landing, the army of the Undead will be too large to be killed off entirely in

A theory for the ending (writing it down, because I actually don’t like it, and if it happens like that, at least I would have the satisfication of having guessed correctly):

I don’t think the Night King will march straight towards King’s Landings and save Winterfell for later. Assuming that Bran hasn’t been already

Exactly. Also, Dany can be merciless, but even in merciless mode I wouldn’t necessarily call that mad. There’s a certain cold logic to her schock and awe strategy. Sure, burning the Tarleys causes her problems now, but not burning them would just have caused different ones.

Sam presents Jon’s mercy to the wildlings as

Fair enough, “Why would the White Walkers only now think of using boats when that option has been available to them all along” is probably not a question the showrunners would be asking themselves or care to answer. Which is also why we no longer can have any convincingly smart characters on this show, because there’s

But that’s exactly the thing: Making a compelling narrative is _supposed_ to be harder than just ticking off plot points and character beats on an outline. You have to make it all fit together, make it seem organic. G.R.R.M at this best can absolutely do this. The Red Wedding - what a shocker! But if you go back and

Because if they could they would have done so a lot earlier? They wouldn’t have needed a dragon to bring down the Wall if they could just build boats to sail around it?

Oh, I’m sure he’d get another reception if he actually brought the army Cersei promised.

I think the Cersei/Euron alliance is one thing that would also happen in the books, should they ever get written, and there I would totally think that Cersei might be in over her head with him, because book!Euron has the creepiest magic. In the show they apparently wanted to save the special effects budget for other

But maybe Arya will agree to it anyway, and the bittersweet thing about this ending will be that we know she’ll be lowkey miserable in that role.

I just don’t see how it could work. “Queen” is not a job you can easily opt out of, I imagine, whether your husband is down with it or not, because _someone_ needs to fulfill these functions and they’re hard to delegate.

Someone whose sole motivation is lust for power might pick a more convenient place to conquer than one with a looming ice-zombie infestation. Dany has already sacrificed one of her dragons for these people (which was a stupid move, Jon is also partly to blame for, but still, big sacrifice on her part), who would be

Honestly, I think the chances of Arya/Gendry being endgame actually sink somewhat, if he gets officially installed as the Baratheon heir, because that might even put him in line for the Iron Throne, and I just don’t think Arya’s after that kind of life. She might prefer to keep a lower profile and be happier with

The smallfolk might swallow it, but I do think it would be a problem for certain characters in the story like Varys or maybe Tyrion, because of the whole Targaryan-predisposition to madness, caused by all that intermarriage over generations - don’t know how well established the causal relation is in the world of the

I think I’ve finally managed to lower my expectations far enough to be able to enjoy the show again.

I mean, would I love more of a show-don’t-tell-approach to demonstrating Sansa’s smartness? Sure, but the show’s not really doing that any more (it’s all well and good to make Sansa the “cares about