Adele Quested

I’m not normally terribly susceptible to his charms (Moriaty did nothing for me), but his priest in fleabag has made me a convert.

But some jokes are funny, and some are at least harmless. Don’t tell yourself you can’t do better.

The article already explained well why it’s unwise to define yourself entirely in terms of your career, but I think it can be equally harmful to define entirely in terms of your relationships to others, especially for women, since the messaging that this should be a woman’s priority is already pretty strong in the

Fair enough, I’m not convinced either the movie will do anything interesting to address those misunderstandings. Just saying, there are some. So, going back to your initial question”Is Mary Magadalene misunderstood” I would most emphaticall answer yes. _If_ penance is supposed to be her main thing, the question what

Sure, that’s one way to see it. But there’s another, at times quite widespread view, that Mary in particular was in need of penance because she was a sex worker, which sure sounds like a misunderstanding to someone who’s a) not convinced that sex work is something you have to repent and/ or b) that Mary actually was a

Penance? What for? Might that be a potential source of misunderstanding?

Breasts being a sexual fetish is also far from universal. Western colonizers got mocked by tribes because of their obsession with breasts making them seem like babies.

I heard it as “I watch your lies” which I find even better.

Probably a good idea in many cases.

And then there are those cases where you’ve tried to communicate your needs a couple of times, but the other person just evidently doesn’t care enough to keep them in mind consistently, and there’s really no point in adressing it again, so you just repeatedly can’t make it to

Eh, you gotta pick your battles. Some situations are worth the confrontation, some really aren’t. I trust OP to have enough discernment to know which situation is which and not become addicted to ghosting or something. I’m with you that one shouldn’t make it a habit, but I don’t think the risk is that great, unless

Then the safest thing to be, karma-wise, seems someone who lacks as much awareness as possible, which seems a bit unduly rewarding of blithe obliviousness, no?

(Also, my beef with the current good-place set up is that intent argueably matters too much already in certain cases - eg. when knowledge of the reality of the good place automatically excludes you from getting there, because it inevitably taints all your altruistic action with a potentially self-serving aspect).

And who has the wisdom to decide to what extent it should matter? I mean, I agree, it shouldn’t count too much against me when I accidentially step on someone’s toes, but if I keep doing it, because I like to have my head in the clouds and just can’t be bothered to look where I’m going, at what point does my

Eh. I watched the show from the start; I think Tony got what was coming to him, but I’m perfectly fine with the ambiguity. To you it may have been a silent fart cut, to me it was fan service. There are different ways to be a fan of something and you can’t please everyone.

I could absolutely imagine that, all things being equal, women would behave just as badly if they had that amount of privilege. There’s nothing intrinsical to womanhood that automatically makes you a better person. But right now, we can only speculate, because all things are not equal; it’s no coincidene that there

Agree that the greater horror is always the system of patriarchy, not the individual guy who takes advantage. Disagree that there’s any 4 level chess involved. Dude saw Moonves get away with that sort of shit for years; that should really be all the telegraphing it takes.

And the other guy on set who asked Dushku

Dangers of xenophobic populism/demagogy? “Back in Nottingham, the sheriff (Ben Mendelsohn) is conspiring with the church to seize power from the crown, using the Trumpian tactic of scapegoating the Arab world.”

The reviewer saw some subtext, but then again, that’s what they’re trained to do. Haven’t seen the movie,

I mean, the point system as portrayed so far_is_ pretty asinine and arbitrary, so you might be on to something. But generally speaking, most reasonable people would argue that any person who could actually be _rewarded_ by getting to torture others doesn’t fit most conventional defintions of “good”.

But before the appearance of Derek and the reception of contraband, I would argue Mindy’s fate was actually worse than that of team cockroach - in earth-jail, solitary confinement is often the thing that finally breaks people.

As to Doug letting himself be abused by the kid on the bike - why would he even think that earns him points? As far as Doug knows, sociopathic bike-kid is inching closer and closer to eternal damnation with every one of his shitty little stunts, and Doug’s enabling him all the way.