Did someone tell poor Doug that all his sacrifices probably won’t count because his motivation is tainted by fear of punishment? Would that be kind or cruel?
Did someone tell poor Doug that all his sacrifices probably won’t count because his motivation is tainted by fear of punishment? Would that be kind or cruel?
I agree it’s often futile, but I still think it’s sometimes worth a try. In my experience, people will rarely adjust their behaviour immediately or even acknowledge any potential error of their ways, because the kneejerk-response when faced with criticism tends to be defensiveness. That’s just human nature. (I’m…
I agree it’s often futile, but I still think it’s sometimes worth a try. In my experience, people will rarely adjust their behaviour immediately or even acknowledge any potential error of their ways, because the kneejerk-response when faced with criticism tends to be defensiveness. That’s just human nature. (I’m…
Again, if it makes you feel better...
See “cases of nurses that amuse themselves by euthanizing patients” in the original comment. But that commenter apparently didn’t find the numbers very compelling (a swallow doesn’t make a summer), so I guess the question still stands. (Add a “mostly” in “are_mostly_ dudes” in my original comment, if it makes you feel…
Please don’t. It’s a phase most of us go through to some degree or another, and it probably has its function. Learning opportunity etc. It’s only awful if you get stuck there, but you didn’t. I think LW is probably stuck because of his depression, but that’s also not something to hate anyone for.
LW writes he can respect hard workers, but his heart clearly isn’t it; he just can’t imagine that their lifes could be fulfilling; surely they must be deluded, if they claim otherwise. I read his lament and all I can hear is “Life has no meaning if I can’t be superior to others”, but I suspect that’s unfair of…
I remember reading somewhere that women tend to kill because they need to get rid of someone, while men tend to kill because they can’t let someone go. So in any society with sufficiently easy access to divorce women probably just aren’t that murderous.
But I guess serial killers’ motivation might be a different…
I agree that we need more Eleanor/Tahani time and that Eleanor taking Kamilah down a notch was a missed opportunity, from the perspective of pure entertainment value.
But I kinda like that this episode lacked complete resolution. I also very much doubt that it was enough to get Kamilah and Eleanor’s mom in the good…
I really like to think that deep down everyone is redeemable, but it shouldn´t be a victim’s job to help with that. That sort of blatant favoritism Tahani’s parents never bothered to compensate or even conceal is abusive - Tahani shouldn’t have to concern herself with their redemption. I thought her lesson in the…
I hope you don’t enjoy spending hours on the couch reading, watching TV or playing video games (or working over time in your office to earn filthy lucre and climb some corporate ladder), because that’s not what your body was designed to do either. Humans are designed for persistence hunting, every single one of us…
I’ve wasted so much time getting dragged into pointless arguments on the internet, it’s one of my recurring new year’s resolutions to stop doing that. But I do think the final point of the article still holds: you’re not doing it to convince the other person, you’re doing it for potential third parties within ear…
“J’accuse” is the title of the open letter Zola wrote about the Dreyfuss Affair.
Roleplaying can be a dry run at best. It’s often a different story when you’re in actual water.
But sure, it’s defintely worth a try! We still gonna need better laws on the book though (and a more consistent enforcement of those we already have) - I was just objecting to the “either”/”or”-framing, not the general…
But they might have a lower number of unreported cases.
Also, you have to give the message time to properly seep into the wider culture. A chapter in a textbook, a lesson, even a whole subject in school won’t do much as long as the counter-message is still alive and kicking in the culture at large. But you gotta start…
Why should this be an “either”/”or” question?
That’s why he needed all that liquid “courage”.
I associate “public proposal” with “captive audience”, so that’s not what I’d be thinking of. So you’re in the clear, at least in my book.
I think the issue is that apparently the other siblings didn’t have to do these chores - only her and Lark. It’s possible that Mia Farrow didn’t treat all her kids equally.
I think you’re fairly optimistic about the overall number of dumb bullies in any given population. (Intelligence can be be a very compartmentalized affair; you wouldn’t guess what otherwise competent seeming person might have an inner dumb bully just waiting to break free). I guess you’ll probably get more of them if…