So trying to raise children better is an inexcusable insult to their inherent goodness now, or what?
So trying to raise children better is an inexcusable insult to their inherent goodness now, or what?
But that's not particularly relevant, because your conclusion that woman therefore have an easier time finding love/sexual fufillment or simply validation is simply baseless. It just makes it easier to find someone who's willing to touch your genitals, but that's about it. If guys would be satisfied with that,…
And my point is that it may come in different forms and circumstances, but it's not more painful or more frequent and therefore no excuse for a more violent response.
Oh, I'm not the one asking for brownie points here.
Misogyny may or may not be the root cause (with the most recent shooter, I suspect it was narcissism + status anxiety) - but it's often the crucial factor that makes the fatal difference, because it provides the social sanction, the corrupting validation of your worst impluses that can be the difference between a…
I get it, because I also can't entirely rid myself of certain emotional ties to people with awful politics. I also sometimes shie away from drawn-out arguments, because I know some of those people will just never get there. There's often very little to be gained from getting in a fight about it. I still think it's…
"It isn't going to change" - with people like you, probably not. Defaitist concern-trolling certainly never solved any problem. Let's hope you're a dying breed. What did _ you_ hope to accomplish with this comment?
In the last couple of days, so many people have been telling me "Well, you have to understand where he's coming from." And they never believe me when I say that I do. Because apparently women can't be teenage misfits, can't feel alienated, can't have misguided rages.
I hope you're happy with your persecution complex. As of the point of my posting, he has 19 stars/upvotes, one from me.
Well, they are at least aware enough of the concept of compassion to demand it for themselves.
(Lastly, your steadfast conviction that I couldn't possibly understand the pain of sexual frustration/rejection, since I'm presumably attracted to the gender that would fuck anything with a pulse, is profoundly bizarr. For all you know, I could be a lesbian.)
Why wouldn't rapists make rape jokes?
(If you really envy women for their employment opportunities in the sex industry, you can always turn gay for pay. If you can't imagine sexually servicing someone you're really not into, consider that maybe sex work isn't for you.)
A women can always find someone to abuse her, I guess. It's a lot harder if you actually care about your safety.
Exactly. So it's usually a fair assumption that they won't be appreciated and should be called out.
Thanks for the clarification. Glad you grew out of it! I do think these things are often about the callowness of youth, because empathy takes some time to develop. It's just shocking how many men never make that step - stuck in some kind of arrested development, some kind of self-imposed ignorance. I think it's…
Oh, I agree that he might have turned to other hateful ideologies to rationalize the rampage - but the point is whether it's religious fanaticsm or right-wing extremism, misogyny is always an integral element. It's the lowest common denominator, apparently.
Oh, they do make them for the social commentary; it's just not the kind of social commentary I would appreciate. But I won't insist on "always", I'll stick with "more often than not". And I do think it's important to call these things out even when there are no women around to take offense. It's not just about the…
I've never said there's something intrinsically defective about men, all I'm saying is that there is something intrinsically defective about traditional ideals of masculinity - eg. not really valuing relationships and the work that goes into maintaining them, which can leave men without emotional support in a crisis.…