In my mind I heard this in the voice of Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman and it made a good thing even better ;-).
In my mind I heard this in the voice of Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman and it made a good thing even better ;-).
Lil Zan(tac)
Well hold on. lol
Thank you! Vinegary and not hot at all. I’m not making a mess of my hands for something so meh.
How did this even happen? Those cheetos aren’t even that hot. smh
im going to assume that shit on his face is drawn in sharpie
This. This is the show he killed for me! I freaking loved Fat Albert when I was a kid - we only watched The Cosby Show to see what Denise was wearing.
Remember when people were reluctant to believe the first couple of women, then the floodgates opened? Seems familiar right about now, for some reason.
I said this on Twitter but will repeat it here:
I bet he blames all this on those damn young people who won't pull up their pants and wear their hats backwards.
People who can afford to buy these swimsuits don’t care about swimming. Off topic, is anyone else having trouble commenting or reading the comments on their phone? I haven't been able to see them the past two days.
While I agree with the sentiment of your comment, I think we can all agree that a trebuchet is far superior to a catapult in every way.
The Egyptians will appreciate the distraction so they can get back to filling their pyramids with grain.
The NY Times’ Rosenstein story has no first hand sources (only those who “were told” of his statements from someone who heard them). The exception is Rosenstein himself - denying it.
When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.
I can predict – with absolute and utter certainty – that at some climactic point in the movie, a vengeful Nels will be seen using his snowplow to bury and smother the drug lord under a ridiculously vast quantity of the titular illegal Hard Powder.
and a Native American gang boss