
When I was her age, I hated books about dogs. Have always loved dogs, thought books about dogs were boring.

Is it allowed for non-Irish people to contribute to the campaign there?

My dad went to grad school with Bundy. My dad’s mentor wrote the letter of recommendation quoted at the beginning of Anne Rule’s book. Dad wasn’t impressed with the guy, thought he was a showy narcissist. In retrospect he was horrified at how Bundy used psychological training to manipulate women.

Today at work I had to do payroll time entry for a person who got her time to me late, and then the time entry system crashed. This meant instead of quick, dirty data entry I had to get a form filled and signed by the payee, the manager and the Department Chair, and compose a memo explaining what had happened and then

Is it already Christmas in England? Here in America I thought I had a few days left to sort stuff out.

Hi, quick question: is it KO-a, ko-AH or Kwah?

Just because no students from his current job have come forward does not mean he has been appropriate in all of his dealings with them.

I’m sure you’re 181% pure magic.

This little guy was also a NMDR rescue. He had the rotten teeth and weird resource hoarding issues, and was 181% pure magic. I will always be grateful to NMDR for bringing him to my life.

I heard originally that it was going to be May 26, which is my birthday weekend. Hearing that it’s going to be May 19 is a massive relief, as I’ve hated my birthday ever since my twin died. My fb feed won’t be filled with happy people reveling and I can just low key get through it in the way that works best so far. I

Genetically I am American.

This photo needs to be run with every story about the non-renewal of SCHIP.

Her nose is a little red. Perhaps she has been weeping at her desk?

Didn’t Going Clear spend millions on lawyers in anticipation of getting sued by COS?

To supplement: my sister used to beaprofessor at Colorado College, where both Cheney daughters attended, and the story is that they both absolutely loathe their mother. Cheney is evil and I’d hope their sick family dynamic would at least be hinted at.

College: that special time when we all experiment with bad toupees.

Don Jr. can’t even choose the right shoes to go with a gray suit. At least Eric and Barron can keep their ties in their jackets.

This is the month where I post this everywhere:

The Academy had better cough up an honorary Oscar.