
Thinx has once again made me think “............why?”

For when your six weeks past due for a pedicure, but want to wear something strappy.

My personal Costco was used for the Dane Cook/Jessica Simpson movie. I don’t remember anything about that movie except the parts where Costco sections I knew.

If you’re cold all the time have your doctor check your thyroid levels and thyroid antibodies . That was one of my major symptoms when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, along with weight gain and fatigue.

Yesterday at work someone asked me if I was pregnant. Nope, it’s just the grief bacon.

Can you imagine if Sasha or Malia did? Actual girls, instead of a ghoul who fancies herself to be girlish?

Never trust a man who steals cats

Mighty white of you, Pam.

Call your congress critter everyday, and donate to the Lakota People’s Law Project. Do it now.

I remember looking through a Vogue when I was in middle school trying to find anything I could buy. The least expensive item was an evening clutch shaped like a kidney bean. It was over $500. I was desperately sad, like only a middle schooler can be. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how I could get $100, much less

How can people not know about okra? Do they not like fried crunchy goodness?

Mostly right, but I’d argue that the inherent power imbalance between a mature adult and a teen is not ignored. It is the point of targeting kids.

I saw him at an airport once. He’s so tall, I felt like a little kid.

I bought a tube of their lipgloss and have had it for a month. The gloss part fell out of the tube last week. Good gloss, not so great packaging.

Sears is a good place to buy appliances and stuff like heated mattress pads.

Volunteering once a week at Planned Parenthood, data entry.

We call that “medium”

Here in New Mexico, pain is one of our favorite flavors. We eat it with dairy.

These was an interesting This American Life a while back about the Nazi program to revive the auroch, prehistoric cows with massive horns which were extinct.

There is one use and one use only for scented candles: to stave off cleaning out the cat box for a couple of hours.