
they fired the writer of Monster Trucks……..NOOOOOOOOOOO

meh, that photo is of the wrong actress, lol

must be stopping the all female reboots, Melissa McCarthy as Silent Bob

Didn't Billy Bush get fired from NBC over a video with Trump, but no such issues with Donald, that sets a bad example

no one cares for a likely 30 sec throwaway gay scene

A+ if we get regular reviews

no Mr. Robot recap but this, ok

internet explorer will not die, its the xp of browsers many legacy software needs it

Sean Penn did too good of a job directing him

can't spell Rogen

D+? maybe not the best episode but still solid…still not sure who we're suppose to root for? Team Elijah?

i hope they win

as the best actors leave for the spinoff…less reason to watch original flavor…the casting directors have a high standard for next season for characters anyone to replace them

well if Michael Bay respected his actors…maybe they would respect him

well if Michael Bay respected his actors…maybe they would respect him